
New Baldwin library provides a unified platform for continuous knowledge absorption and interaction between students, their peers and teachers. Our resources cater to students of all age groups, interests and capabilities. A highly organised and logically arranged set of printed resources are available. These meet the needs of all curricula that are followed at New Baldwin. The librarians make sure that the library resources are utilized responsibly by all.

  • A collection of over 15,000 books that is continually being expanded and updated.
  • Digital resources like CD-ROMs and DVDs with multimedia content covering a wide range of topics
  • Subscription to over 18 Indian and International periodicals and magazines: Periodicals covering current affairs such as The Week, India Today, Outlook; International News, Science and Technology, Art, Culture, Social Sciences etc.
  • Computerised database that can help you search for and access relevant books within seconds
  • 24/7 Wi-Fi access and a sufficient number of computer terminals for browsing and research.
  • Access to books from the British Library through our Institutional Membership facility
  • Access to resources like Britannica Online.


You can teach a student a lesson for a day. But if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives Change colour or getting an electrical circuit to work can feel magical. We at New Baldwin want students to move beyond book learning & understand the essential concepts of physics, chemistry and biology through experimentation. They are encouraged to test the validity of theories for themselves. They are taught to formulate, prove and disprove hypotheses by methodically conducting experiments, making observations, analysis and reporting results in an unbiased fashion. Lab classes are conducted every week on a regular basis. Separate science labs for physics, chemistry and biology are maintained. Our labs have all the necessary equipment, manuals and charts for conduction of high school experiments.


The students at NBGI gather each day from the four corners of Bangalore, transported on our international quality fleet of buses. The bus routes are assessed regularly to ascertain the most time efficient access and travel across the city to allow our students to have the least possible time spent in travelling. All our buses are fitted with Speed Governor, seat belts , fire extinguishers and first aid boxes.


At New Baldwin, we love to see children energetic, healthy and thriving at school, and we work zealously to keep it that way. New Baldwin is completely committed to the health and safety of students who are entrusted to us. The premise is designed to minimize all kinds of hazards. Our staff are always observant and immediately take notice if any child is unwell or in pain.